Continuous relationship as cohorts:

From infant through preschool, children move through our program as a cohort with their peers and caregivers. Our youngest groups of children move together with their peers as they age together out of one classroom and into another. Caregivers move along with the cohort, providing relationship continuity for the children through their early years. Operating in this manner fosters steady, continuous relationship building between children and their caregivers and other children.

Cohorts offered 2023/2024:

*Rates can be found by clicking on each cohort name below. These rates will apply to fall 2023 enrollment as well.

Starlilies- Sept 2022-August 2023 Birth

Monkeyflowers- Sept 2021-August 2022 birth

Skyrockets- Sept 2020-August 2021 birth

Phlox- Sept 2018-August 2020 birth

*Though the above are our current cohorts, submissions for any future cohort waitlists can also be submitted through our Enrollment Request Form! Cohort details will be updated for each fall season!

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